How to Reset Frigidaire Ice Maker – How to Do It Quickly & Easily

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If you’re used to having beautifully shaped and cold ice at the press of a button, but your Frigidaire refrigerator has started to have a mind of its own – you’re in the right place. 

In this article, I’ll talk you through how to reset your Frigidaire ice maker, when this may be useful, and what to do when you still can’t get ice, even after resetting. 

When Can Resetting Your Frigidaire Ice Maker Be Helpful?

You shouldn’t have to reset your ice maker often. Frigidaire recommends that it’s only used as a last resort when ice production has completely stopped, and you’ve run through all the normal troubleshooting through the ‘test’ menu. 

You shouldn’t reset the ice maker more than once a day, as it can cause water to overflow, jammed ice, or, worst case, permanently damage your ice maker.

Resetting Frigidaire refrigerator ice maker
Image Credit: Danielson Picker

How to Reset Frigidaire Ice Maker

This is really easy! For most models, just locate the ‘ON/OFF’ button, turn it OFF, wait a few seconds, then turn it back ON.

If this hasn’t worked, try these model-specific instructions:

Side Mounted Ice Maker

  1. For this model, the metal lever/arm over the ice maker is the ‘ON/OFF’ switch
  2. Turn it OFF and wait 5 seconds
  3. Turn the ice maker back ON

Rear Mounted Ice Maker

  1. There will be an I/O button on the side of the ice maker. This is the ‘ON/OFF’ switch
  2. Turn it OFF and wait 5 seconds
  3. Turn the ice maker back ON

Control Panel Models

  1. If your refrigerator is a newer model with a control panel, it’ll have options for controlling the ice maker on the panel – which is usually either on the front of the appliance or inside the door 
  2. Turn it OFF and wait 5 seconds
  3. Turn the ice maker back ON

How To Do A Hard Reset

The easiest way to reset your Frigidaire refrigerator (and fix most problems) is through a hard reset

This is done by turning off the appliance at the mains power for 30 minutes, then turning it back on. 

Tip: Remember to keep your refrigerator doors closed for the duration to keep your contents fresh!

If this hasn’t resolved your issue, don’t worry – just run through the troubleshooting below.

Frigidaire Ice Maker Reset Not Working

If you’ve tried to reset your ice maker with the instructions above and completed a hard reset, but there’s still no ice, it could be for several reasons. 

We’ll go into these below with some suggestions on how to fix it or where it may be a better idea to call an appliance technician.

The Refrigerator is New or Has Just Been Turned on

Although your Frigidaire refrigerator should produce around 120 ice cubes daily, it needs some time to bring itself to life. If your refrigerator is new, it might need a while to settle in.

How to fix

Try to give your ice maker 6-12 hours to start generating ice. This will give it time to pull in the water and cool itself down enough to freeze the ice. 

You should throw away the first 3 batches/30 cubes as this will ensure the ice cubes are made from clean and filtered water.

The Refrigerator Doors Aren’t Closed Properly

If the doors to the refrigerator aren’t closed properly, the ice maker may not make or dispense ice. 

How to fix

It might not be obvious that the doors aren’t shut right, so double-check these things:

  1. Make sure there’s nothing resting against the side walls of the refrigerator at the front that may prevent the doors from closing.
  2. Check the door seal is closing properly all the way around – you can do this just by running your finger along, or try trapping a bit of paper in the seal to make sure it’s closed.

The Refrigerator is Overfilled

If your fridge or freezer compartments are filled to maximum capacity, this can restrict airflow within the appliance and have a few undesirable consequences. 

It will be harder for the refrigerator to stay at the set temperature, and this can cause slow ice production.

How to fix

Make sure that there’s some space between items in your refrigerator and freezer, that it isn’t full to the brim, and that there’s no obvious ice or frost build-up. 

This can not only help your Frigidaire ice maker to produce more ice, but it will also lower your energy bills as well as improve the lifespan of your refrigerator.

The Fridge Isn’t Level

This may seem pedantic, but if your fridge isn’t leveled, it can cause all sorts of problems – including lack of or deformed ice.

How to fix

You’ll need to look out for a spirit level and a Phillips screwdriver for this one, but it’s not too technical. 

Your fridge will have leveling feet or wheels, potentially tucked behind a cover that needs to be unscrewed and removed. 

If you’re struggling to find them, look for your owner’s manual. 

There will be one foot/wheel on each side, which is adjusted using a screwdriver or 3/8-inch socket wrench. 

It doesn’t matter which side you start with but turn clockwise to raise or anticlockwise to lower that corner of your fridge. 

Check back in with your spirit level and adjust until the refrigerator is level side-to-side and front-to-back.

The Dispenser Lock is on

If your Frigidaire has a water and ice dispenser, it’s likely it will also have a dispenser lock. This disables the dispenser from producing water or ice but leaves the rest of the control panel working as normal.

How to fix

If you have an ‘Options’ button in the middle of your control panel, press this to get access to your settings menu for all the features and functions.

You can scroll through this using the arrow keys, and once you find the ‘Dispenser Lock’ you can toggle this off using the (+) button.

An alternative may be where you have a ‘Padlock’ icon on the main screen, in which case you can press and hold this button for 3-5 seconds until the small red light turns off.

If your model only has buttons for cubed, crushed, light on, and light off, then unfortunately, it lacks this feature. If you’re struggling to dispense water/ice, you’ll need to undertake further troubleshooting.

If you’re still struggling, you can check your user manual. If you’ve lost it, take a note of the model number and search for it here

The Control Lock is on

Much like the dispenser lock, the full control lock is just a more extreme version. This will completely lock your settings down and activate the dispenser lock simultaneously.

How to fix

If you have an ‘Options’ button in the middle of your control panel, press this to get access to your settings menu for all the features and functions.

You can scroll through this using the arrow keys, and once you find the ‘Control Lock’ you can toggle this off using the (+) button.

An alternative may be where you have a ‘Padlock’ icon on the main screen, in which case you can press and hold this button for 3-5 seconds until the small red light turns off.

If this doesn’t work, you can check your user manual. If you’ve lost it, take a note of the model number and search for it here.

For more details, also read: How to Unlock Frigidaire Refrigerator

The Water Filter Has Expired and Needs Replacing

To identify whether the water filter is the main culprit for your problems, you can first remove it – and test whether the ice maker works without the filter in place. 

If ice is made without the filter, then this is most definitely the problem – and you’ll need to replace the filter

How to fix

To identify whether the water filter is the main culprit for your problems, you can first remove it – and test whether ice generates without the filter in place. 

If ice is made without the filter, your diagnosis is confirmed, and you’ll need to replace the filter.  

If the water filter is faulty, you’ll need to source a new one and look to have it replaced. This is a task you’ll have to repeat every 6 months to keep your water clear and fresh.

You’ll need to source the part, and it’s recommended that you use a genuine one – these can be purchased directly from Frigidaire. 

There are multiple types available, so look for your model number before you buy to ensure you get the right one. 

PureSource Ultra Filter 

  1. Prepare the new filter by unboxing and removing the protective caps
  2. Locate the filter in the fridge, it’s likely in the top right 
  3. Press the filter in to release 
  4. Take the old filter out, dispose of it, then replace it with the new one
  5. Get a bowl or bottle and dispense 1.5 gallons to eliminate any air in the line and prime the new filter – this will need to be discarded 

PureSource2 Filter 

  1. Prepare the new filter by unboxing and removing the protective caps
  2. Locate the filter in the fridge, it’s likely in the top right 
  3. Press the ‘release’ button – it’ll be on or near the filter 
  4. Take the old filter out, dispose of it, then replace it with the new one – slide it in until it clicks 
  5. Get a bowl or bottle and dispense 1.5 gallons to eliminate any air in the line and prime the new filter – this will need to be discarded 

PureSource Plus Filter 

  1. Prepare the new filter by unboxing and removing the protective caps 
  2. Locate the filter in the fridge, it’s likely in the top right 
  3. Twist the filter cover off to gain access
  4. Pull the filter down to detach, then replace it with the new one. 
  5. Twist the filter cover back on and into place
  6. Get a bowl or bottle and dispense 1.5 gallons to eliminate any air in the line and prime the new filter – this will need to be discarded 

Once you’ve replaced the water filter, you need to reset the filter indicator light.

Related >> How to Reset Water Filter Light on Frigidaire Refrigerator

Your Freezer Temperature is Set Too Low

If your freezer temperature is too low (or too high), it can affect the production of ice and cause problems with the functioning of your ice maker.

How to fix

If your freezer temperature is set lower than -18°C / 0°F, you should check your Owner’s Manual and then change the settings accordingly. 

When to Call a Technician

As promised, we’re now at that part of the article. If you’ve tried all the above and everything is in order, you may have a deeper, routed electrical or mechanical problem that needs expert assistance from an appliance technician. 

If your refrigerator is still under warranty, you can contact your retailer or Frigidaire directly and arrange the repair.

Related: How to Reset Samsung Ice Maker

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Niels Joensen is the founder and chief editor at Niels is a professional painter who runs his own painting company. When not painting he likes to write about home renovation and appliances.